"Take one day at a time."

Birth Date:

May 4th, 1983




"Just food in general!"

TV Show(s):



Card Games

Time of the Day:

Sunrise / Sunset

Time of the Year:





"Anything I can wiggle my big 'ole booty too!"

Highschool Teacher:

Mrs. Rusche

Best/Worst Subject(s):

Art / Math & Science


Reading, arts, sports, and friends

First Memory:

"Shannon picking on me and always taking the most change to put in our Sunday School offering dish."

First School Memory:

"Mrs. Aughenbaugh, our Kindergarten teacher, was dressed in her wedding dress as the Fairy God Mother."

Highschool Attended:

De Smet Highschool


"Tried the Guitar - it didn't go well. I played Piano and I was also in Chorus."

Popular Fads:

"The 80’s & pinned jeans - riding bike everywhere."

When I Grow Up, I Want to Be...

A Graphic Designer

First Job:

"Babysitting and working at the Frosty Corner Cafe in De Smet."

First Time Living Away From Home:

"Right now!"

My Dreams:

"A happy future."

Funniest Moment:

"I would have to say any moment that I out-smarted Shannon or got her back!"

Happiest Moment

"When life comes easy."

Most Unforgettable Moment:

"My last Basketball game my Senior year."

Most Important Thing I have Learned:

"It take confidence."


College Student


"State Volleyball & graduating with honors."

Most Important Thing I learned From My Parents:

"To be honest & to be a hard worker."

Key to Life:

"Be as happy as you were, when you first fell in love, for the rest of your life."

Advise for Scott & Shannon:

"Just make sure that you are happy and then everything else will fall into place."


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