"Change the things you can, and accept the things you can not."

Birth Date:

January 1st, 1954


Pink & Baby Blue



TV Show(s):




Time of the Day:

5:00 PM

Time of the Year:





60's Rock & Roll

Highschool Teacher:

Mr Lincoln

Best/Worst Subject(s):

History / English & Grammar


Reading Books

First Memory:

"Getting in trouble with my dad for feeding the hamburger on my plate, which I specifically asked for, to the dog."

First School Memory:

"Taking a nap on my rug in Kindergarten and singing, I'm a Little Teapot."

Highschool Attended:

Bryant Highschool


"I played the Saxapone and Piano. I was also in Chorus."

Popular Fads:

"Midrift tops and bellbottom, hiphugger pants."

When I Grow Up, I Want to Be...

A Stewardist

First Job:

"I was a Waitress at Tommy's Bowling Alley."

First Time Living Away From Home:

"When I was 19, I moved to Watertown and lived in an apartment there."

My Dreams:

"I couldn't wait to get married, have a family, and live comfortably."

Funniest Moment:


Happiest Moment

"My Wedding Day ~ Feburary 17th, 1974."

Most Unforgettable Moment:

"When my daughters were born ~ 1980 & 1983."

Most Important Thing I have Learned:

"Things always seem to work out, so it doesn't pay to worry about them."


Office Manager at REA


"Having two wonderful daughters that I am verry proud of."

Most Important Thing I learned From My Parents:

"Be strong and enjoy every moment because tomorrow someone my be gone."

Key to Life:

"Be as happy as you were, when you first fell in love, for the rest of your life."

Advise for Scott & Shannon:

"Laugh with each other, respect each other, never cause eachother sadness from things said in anger, and always talk to eahother about everything ~ Be Best Freinds!"


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